Peter Geiger

License Plate Art

Guitar Art Reflects Passions of Restaurant Owner and Patrons

Custom Work, Acoustic, Music Tribute, Sports TributePeter Geiger1 Comment

My client, Justin, owns several popular restaurants in Montana. He wanted 4 custom license plate guitars to represent the passions his patrons. Justin is a big Toby Keith fan so we had our first piece set.

Toby Keith

Than he stated he wanted to represent all the college students who come to the restaurant. The Cat Griz football guitar was born.

Cat Griz Football art

For the next piece, his employees came up with the idea to have all the high school teams from Billings Montana displayed around the outside body with the Billings logo in the center hole bringing them all together.

Billings Montana

The last piece is an acoustic style that pays tribute to the Yellowstone River, one of the great fly-fishing spots in Montana. The colors on this piece are amazing - almost as beautiful as this state.

Yellowstone River

I would like to personally thank Justin and all of his employees who helped to make this beautiful collection of Montana-themed license plate guitars possible.